Smoking Hot: The Diary of a Fire Demon Page 19
Alyce watched her friend get into bed without even changing. Pink pulled her pink blanket over her whole body, including her head, as she turned to face the wall.
Day: 568
Today was a crappy day; I killed a Moa and lost my only friend. I feel so sad; I just don’t know what to do. She was so looking forward to visiting her sisters, and I have ruined that for her. I wish I were dead.
Smoking Hot: (32)
Alyce tossed and turned. She felt drained, but sleep refused to come. She was sadder than she could ever remember being, and in this body, she could not cry. At last she got up and made her way to where Pink lay. Gently pulling the blanket up so she could move under it, she got in and wrapped herself around her friend to increase her body heat.
She felt Pink move, but it was not to reject her, so she reached out and held her hand. After a little while she could feel her friend’s tail slowly entwine itself with hers, and Pink gave a soft, sleepy comment.
“Still not forgiven, but at least you are trying, so all is not lost. Now, let me go to sleep, or I will strangle you with your own tail!”
When she next awoke, Alyce found the still-sleeping form of Pink holding onto her.
Day: 569
Pink went mega ballistic on me again today; somehow whatever I try to do at the moment goes wrong.
After Pink’s outburst I went to apologize to the other team members or, rather, now ex-team members, for my, well, fiery episode. I found them down in the Infirmary all bright and happy chatting to some Lights and Airs with whom they had made friends. They thought Pink had done an excellent job.
I was then dragged away by the medical Moa and examined again, which is getting boring. I now worry that this crazy Mind will ask me to stick out my tongue and say ‘ahhh’ every time we meet.
If she is so keen on writing a book, then a manual on owning a body would be helpful, or at the very least a dictionary on TLAs: three-letter acronyms. She says at this present time of the year I may start showing the first signs of PHM, and if I get hot and smoky, I should go and stand outside in the cold until I’ve cooled down. This should help with my mood. Okay, so what the heck is PHM??????
Day: 580
Apparently we have gained the nickname Death Cloud, which reminds me of Star Wars every time I hear it, but I can’t remember why.
At least I found out the TLA of PHM = Pre-Hibernation Mood. It is just the body getting ready for the long sleep and can make one a little moody.
Day: 581
Everyone is free to do what they want except for me and Pink. We are stuck watching screens on old Ice Cloud lectures, and they are boorrrrrrrringgg.
It was a unanimous decision to turn the mirror to face the wall, as neither of us wishes to see the couch potatoes we are becoming.
Day: 582
Just a few sleeps to go before the big one, and I am so hungry! I notice everyone is stealing from the refectory to take food to their rooms.
As to moods, I have not been too affected. I did burn an Air’s fingers in the refectory. She was taking all the confirg, which is something that looks like road kill and tastes the same, but she should not take it all, so I burned her.
Day: 583
Another frigging recorded lecture on Cloud control. It is all crap! It just talks about Ice Clouds, and what the frigging use is that to us!?!
Day: 584
Today Pink broke the silence regarding my black gem bloodstone. No one has said anything or commented on it since I took it off the Ice who stole it from Ember. I wear it all the time now, and it gives a strange feeling of comfort when I touch it.
It was kind of odd but nice and sweet the way Pink broached the subject. To paraphrase, she said it looked good on me, and Ember would be happy to see me proudly wearing it to remind people how a Heat will take revenge on anyone harming another Heat. Personally I just like the way it reminds me of Ember.
Day: 590
No lectures today, as the room we normally use has for some reason been closed and is awaiting repairs (cough, cough, say no more).
Day: 591
I risked going out into the stadium. I went on my own as Pink said something that I think translates to it being a frigging loony idea.
And it was FRIGGING COLD!!!! And I was wearing Fire! I copied the Icemaidens’ idea of clothing. Where they used frost, I shaped flame over my body until it was like wearing a burning bodysuit. There were some Ices playing like they were throwing snowballs when I went out, but when they saw me they packed up and went in. It is a strange thing getting a reputation as a Cloud killer. I feel no safer than I did before, as it just means you will get stabbed in the back instead of the front.
The sun is looking like a real moth-eaten star, as now it has large chunks missing from both sides. With my human mind I would say it is slowly being crossed by two planets or moons, or someone with a large tin of black paint. But to everyone else, it is being eaten and will be reborn from the darkness. Despite my knowledge of astronomy, I will go with the eating idea, as that is the social norm here. After being here for so long, they may be correct; just look at me, a Firelighter on legs!
Day: 592
I went out again today, and it is so easy to leave the building! I should have tried before. All I have to say is that I feel like I want to burn something, and a Light opens the doors for me. I expect if I keep doing it too often they may give me a key.
It was the same as yesterday; a group of Icemaidens cleared the area when I arrived. I now wonder whether it is because the place still looks like it was hit by a meteorite, and the Ices know I was that meteorite.
To keep warm, I started to copy what I saw the Ices do. First I attempt to make shapes out of Fire and then I play at throwing Fireballs like they did with a snowball, which sounds a lot easier than it is.
Smoking Hot: (33)
For the first time Alyce witnessed first-hand the meaning of PHM: Pre-Hibernation Mood, as Pink was in one in a mega way. Everything was fine if everything was going smoothly, but as soon as the slightest thing went a little astray, it was very likely to get blasted, regardless of what it was: anything from a Snowflake making a rude comment to a door that tried to catch her tail.
Alyce found she was the most relaxed person still walking about and also the one most worried, as she did not like the idea of pretending to be a tortoise and being put in a cardboard box with some straw and a lettuce for the winter. It was all so stupid; they were mega-powerful magic creatures, yet somehow central heating was beyond them.
The Colds did not hibernate, or perhaps they did. They were still packing up to go home, along with being as nasty as normal to anyone else crossing their path. At a time of mass PHM, this behavior made most of the Academy look like a small warzone, or in some places, like the refectory, a large warzone with a takeaway buffet on the side.
Apparently for safety, the Academy had cast dampening spells to try and stop too many getting killed over the constant danger of sitting at the wrong table or for taking the last slice of something someone else wanted, even if you did not know they wanted it as they had not been in the room at the time you took it.
The Colds had stopped going to the refectory after Pink’s last tantrum over the last fresh living try-rad. There had been an argument over who should get the last one, and Pink decided that as they already had the pick of everything else, it was her turn. She ignored their protests and just walked back to her table with it, but a Snowflake made the fatal mistake of coming between an Electric Demon with PHM and her liking for live food by zapping it with a beam of Cold that left Pink holding the tail of something that now looked more like an ice-lolly and was very dead.
Many said it was the first time they had seen what an only-to-be-used-outdoors, full-sized long-distance battle bolt could do in an enclosed area. The process of casting a lightning bolt was not as fast as people imagined, as many took advantage of the hint to leave when their hair stood on end as the static built up in the room. The worst time
to think about leaving was after the blinding light and smell of burning that followed the destruction of the eating area favored by the Colds occurred. Their eating area now looked like it would need extensive re-modification before the next term.
Those of the Ice Cloud that were not still trying to stand formed an Ice barrier shield and summoned up a counter attack, which may have worked if they had not then been blasted by different sized chunks of their Ice barrier, as it was the next thing to explode from the battle bolt.
The Cloud of Snowflakes was having problems breaking through the dampening spells. They regrouped for a second time and felt the static of a third bolt powering up. The strain on the holding spells must have summoned in a Moa. At the best of times, she considered dinner duty to be beneath her, and being picked for it at the end of term when she was cold and tired was more due to her superiority to most of the other Moas than to any let’s-take-it-in-turns bright ideas from her colleagues that should stick with learning to bang stones together instead of thinking.
The Moa did not have any great attack powers, but she did not need them, as she was a Mind. The whole room went silent as she entered, and she pointed toward where Pink was noisily standing and sizzling.
“You discharge at once! And get out of here! Meal time is over for you, and I will see that your family is sent a bill for the damage!”
In annoyance, Pink discharged though the nearest wall, which caused it to crack as she turned and stormed out of the refectory. Everyone’s hair stood on end due to the static charge that still surrounded her like a personal Storm. A good exit was all she was going to risk, as this Mind could at any time recognize her. Another fight with a Mind was not something she wanted to happen without Alyce nearby.
The Moa now turned her attention to the Snowflakes.
“And as for you stupid creatures, I suspect it was your fault; everything that causes me more work is always linked to your kind. Without being in a Cloud, I shouldn’t think any of you would have the brains to get dressed without help. Well, you are now banned from the refectory until next term, so pack up and go home hungry!”
The Cloud members silently packed up. They had contempt for any breed that was not from the Cold. However, this Moa was a very powerful thinker, and even a Snowflake was bright enough to know not to upset a Mind. It was said that a Mind Moa could melt them with just a thought if she wanted to, and that was the least she could do. Besides that, they were grateful to end the fight, as they suspected their opponent was from the Death Cloud they had been warned about. If it was all true, then they could leave it for now. Next time, they would strike her down when she least expected it, and probably from behind.
Alyce thought that attacking a Cloud just when they were about to hibernate was not a good idea, but then again, Pink had just demonstrated how much power she had. If anyone had been planning to attack them as they slept, she would now be rethinking the idea. A 4-year-old Electric Demon should not have been able to cast a battle bolt, let alone several, and certainly not indoors against dampening spells. Now all chances of keeping their abilities secret were gone, as images of the disturbance in the refectory were being broadcasted all over the Academy by anyone who could create a viewing window.
Pink and Alyce expected the worse when they were again summoned to the Infirmary by the medical Moa. She still had the tendency to look at them as if they were in line to be dissected.
“I want you to listen carefully. I believe outbursts such as what happened in the refectory have more to do with possessing an untrained mind than they do with the standard get-out clause of the so-called PHM time. Until you can control this weakness of mind and body, you will stay away from all other students.”
Alyce looked towards her friend, but Pink just stared straight ahead and ignored her, as if what had happened in the refectory was her fault.
“I am sure you have been told, but you will not be going home for the dark time. I have arranged a deep sleep chamber for you with plenty of food to last you for hibernation. Of course, you will have only hibernated in a family group before, but I have studied your racial abilities, and I strongly believe that your bodies should be able to cope in an insulated room.”
“Please do not prove me wrong by dying, or I will be very disappointed. Now, for some good news: I know that at your young age, you have been missing your families and that it will be a disappointment not to see them or enjoy the smell and touch of sleeping sisters during the dark time. Therefore, I have arranged for a great privilege to be granted for you to see and speak with your closest family member.”
“It can only be a short connection, as the spells are complicated and draining for the Lights I recruited to work on them, but it will give you a chance to catch up on the family news and let them know the honors you have gained over the past year.”
An Air appeared from behind them and asked Pink and Alyce to follow her. She lectured them of the procedure as they walked and informed them that they should be extremely grateful for this unheard-of boon, especially due to the spell power that was going to be wasted for such a pointless purpose.
They did not say anything out loud, but both had the same thought. This Air was just like the uppity Admin Airs who walked about with their tails stuck deep and firmly up their own tail holes…
Smoking Hot: (34)
Alyce did not know how long Pink had been gone, but on a watch-less world a guess of 15 minutes felt about correct.
Pink did not look as happy as she had thought she would be after talking with her sisters, but she did not dwell on it. She had bigger problems to worry about, as she now would have to Skype with her so-called family. She had only met three of her relatives before, and they were the ones who had thrown her out! Just what would she talk to them about?
The room was large and had a row of what Alyce thought of as perches: something like small-headed letter Ts that you sat on, leaving your tail free to hang behind.
Alyce flicked her tail over one in the middle and looked into what could only be thought of due to its size as a ballroom mirror. It would have looked a lot better in some castle rather than hanging from the ceiling by uneven metal chains.
Before the Air left, she told Alyce that she didn’t have to do anything but relax, as the spells would search out her closest relative over any distance and at a time when he or she were near a mirror.
On the wall, a line of what she remembered from lessons as power cubes began to light up, not that Alyce had the faintest idea of how they worked. There had been talk of them being unstable and sometimes exploding, and long ago she had decided that if she ever saw one, she would never touch it.
She should have been worried as to who was going to appear in the mirror, but instead she was mostly admiring her reflection. True, a little bit of extra weight had recently been added about the tummy, but that was only hormonal due to the time of year. Even with that, she still looked smoking hot; back on Earth she would have killed to look this good. She felt disappointment as the mirror clouded up and she could no longer see herself in it. Alyce thought that this was a fine time to pick to turn native.
As she looked into the mirror, getting ready to adlib a conversation with some relative she would not recognize, her mouth dropped open. Even though she had been told a thousand times by Pink that you did not show your teeth unless you were going to bite something, as it was rude, she still could not stop herself from staring at the image that was peering back at her.
A voice from the image in the mirror spoke.
“Cool teeth!”
Alyce partially closed her lips to cover them so that only the tips were visible when she spoke.
“Er… Sorry, that was rude of me, but I was expecting to see a… and, well, not… Er, you are human, aren’t you?”
The girl that sat with her chin balanced on her knees as she stared back was perched in a large stuffed chair in a room that was very Earth-like in its decorations. Perhaps it belonged to members of some strange f
ire cult, or at least volcanologists that liked to bring their work home with them.
The walls were covered in murals mixed in with framed paintings and large photos all showing smoking volcanoes and hot lava flows burning their way down mountains. In the corner of the room stood the largest lava lamp Alyce had ever seen; it could have been classified as a room feature if that prize had not been taken by something that looked like a living flame of changing colors contained in a 6-foot glass bottle standing on its head.
The girl, who could have been human and about 13 years old, moved her knees down and leaned forward before she spoke.
“If you are after Martians, then I think you have misdialed, but if you are looking for Mom, she is out!”
The room was a little odd, but it also had a wall-mounted TV above a super-sized stuffed bear wearing a T-shirt saying Coca-Cola, which had to mean Earth and human or… But before Alyce could dwell on how Coca-Cola could get room placement advertising on interplanetary mirror vision, the girl looked away at a sound made out of Alyce’s field of vision and then yelled:
“GET OUT! Can’t you see I’m talking?”
Now Alyce could see another girl, a little younger, perhaps 10 or 11, come into view and sit on the corner of the chair. She got a very dirty look from the one who she could only guess was the girl’s older sister.
The new girl looked straight at Alyce, fully ignoring her sister.
“Hi! I’m Ash. Are you one of Mom’s sisters?”
The first girl now loudly sighed, raising her eyes and folding her arms, all of which were lost on her sister.
“Of course she is, you dummy! Like, who else with burning hair, horns, and a tail would be calling us?
Still ignoring her sister, the younger of the two carried on.